“The 3rd NanoTerasu Briefing (Meeting) of the Usage” was held

On 5th September, “The 3rd NanoTerasu Briefing (Meeting) of the Usage” was held at Kyushu University (Hakozaki Campus, Fukuoka). The participants satisfied for the brief introduction of the results from coalition beamlines and the achievements for public beamlines at NanoTerasu. Furthermore, Prof. Arima (Chief of NanoTerasu User Community) and Prof. Fuziwara (Chief of SPring-8 User Community) stated the expectation of the future in user communities at the synchrotron radiation user community. The final Briefing (Meeting) will be held on 4th October at Sendai and NanoTerasu.


Opening Greeting from Dr. Yamaguchi, Managing Director of JASRI

Closing Remarks from Dr. Kawakami, Director General of the NanoTerasu Secretariat, QST