NanoTerasu Featured in SUUMO Magazine Sendai by Recruit Co.
NanoTerasu was featured in a two-page spread in the January 22, 2025 issue of SUUMO Magazine Sendai (published on January 24, 2025) by Recruit Co.
NanoTerasu is now covered in white
The snow that has fallen since last night has turned all of NanoTerasu completely white.
Winter is just beginning to show its true colors.
Increase the number of tour guide
In response to the increase in tour acceptance slots from September, we have increased our tour guide. The photo shows Takano-san and Abe-san from the NanoTerasu Promotion and Public Relations Group, who were in charge of explaining to visitors for the first time on September 3rd. They made the explanations enjoyable and easy to understand by incorporating quizzes.
GL Horiba gave a lecture at the “Sendai City Schools, Principals and PTA presidents Education Workshop”
On Thursday, July 11, at the “64th Sendai City Schools, Principals and PTA presidents Education Workshop” held at the Koyo Grand Hotel,
Dr. Horiba, leader of the NanoTerasu Center Beamline Group, gave a lecture.
Under the title of 「What is “NanoTerasu” that is finally starting to operate?」, he explained what synchrotron radiation, soft X-rays are available at NanoTerasu and how they are useful to society.
Message from Director General, NanoTerasu Secretariat Masashi Hattori on retirement
I retire as Director General, NanoTerasu Secretariat on the end of June, 2024. I have worked on construction of governance and management system of NanoTerasu in addition to management of events such as a site visit on the G7 Science and Technology minister’s meetings, the first beam ceremony and public site tours since I joined NanoTerasu about two years ago. I have contributed to the initial operation phase formulating common rules and coordinating among institutions as the first Director General, NanoTerasu Secretariat since this April.
I hope that NanoTeasu takes advantage of its strength as a world-leading research facility and becomes a place to form communities that connect people and people, research and research, and technology and technology and more. I expect you will have opportunities to engage with NanoTerasu in various situation.
I really appreciate your courteous support.
June, 2024
Masashi Hattori
Introducing NanoTerasu at the 21st International Biophysics Conference
The Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute (JASRI), which is in charge of promoting the use of NanoTerasu, introduced NanoTerasu together with SPring-8 at the 21st IUPAB Congress 2024/IUPAB2024 held at Kyoto International Conference Center from June 24 (Mon.) to 28 (Fri.), 2024.
NanoTerasu has started operations
After completing the facility inspection in March 2024, NanoTerasu started facility operations under a new organizational structure, involving QST, Phosic and JASRI, starting from April 1st, 2024.
We hope that more users will utilize NanoTerasu in the times ahead. We are committed to supporting users in order to expedite the attainment of outstanding results as soon as possible.