NanoTerasu Common Terms of Use

(Purpose of these General Terms and Conditions)
Article 1: These terms and conditions are set out by the National Institutes of Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology (hereinafter referred to as “QST”), Photon Science Innovation Center (hereinafter referred to as “PhoSIC”), and the Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute (hereinafter referred to as “JASRI”), which manage and operate the 3GeV high-brilliance synchrotron radiation facility NanoTerasu, (hereinafter referred to as ” Facility”), to define the basic matters common to users when using this Facility.

Article 2: The definitions of terms used in these General Terms and Conditions are as follows.
(1) “User” means a person to whom QST, PhoSIC, or JASRI provides the Facilities for use.
(2) Person in charge of this Facility: A staff member of QST, PhoSIC, or JASRI, or a staff member of a person who is entrusted by QST, PhoSIC, or JASRI.
(3) Information security incident: An information security incident as defined in JIS Q 27000:2019.

(Contract of use)
Article 3: Upon agreeing to these General Terms and Conditions, the Subscriber shall enter into a contract with QST, PhoSIC, or JASRI.

(User Registration)
Article 4: The User shall register radiation control and other information necessary for using the Facility with the information system provided by QST prior to commencing use of the Facility.
2: The Subscriber shall update the information registered in the information system in the preceding paragraph when there is a change.

(Connection to information networks, etc.)
Article 5: When a User intends to connect a computer brought in by the User to the information network or information system of the Facility, the User shall observe the following items concerning said computer.
(1) Anti-virus software is installed and the virus definition pattern files of said anti-virus software are automatically kept up-to-date.
(2) Keep the operating system up-to-date.
(3) Automatic software protection is activated.
(4) Perform full virus scans on a regular basis.
(5) No P2P software installed.
(6) Software license is appropriate.
2: The User agrees that QST, PhoSIC, or JASRI shall check the items listed in each item of the preceding paragraph before connecting the equipment, etc., brought by the User to the information network or information system of the Facility.

(Bringing in goods, medicine, etc.)
Article 6: The User shall bring in and manage the goods, chemicals, etc. used in the use of the Facility with the due care of a good manager in accordance with the related laws and regulations and the NanoTerasu User Guidebook.
2: Users are responsible for bringing back all items, chemicals, etc. that they bring into the Facility. However, this does not apply in cases where the person in charge of the Facility approves.

(Use of facilities, etc.)
Article 7: The User shall use the facilities, goods, etc., information network or information system of the Facility in accordance with the instructions of the person in charge of the Facility and the NanoTerasu User Guidebook.

(Restriction or suspension of use, contract termination)
Article 8: QST, PhoSIC, or JASRI may restrict or suspend the use of the Facilities to a User or terminate the contract immediately if the User falls under any of the following items.
(1) When the User violates the terms and conditions of this agreement or any other contract of use.
(2) When information provided by the User is found to be false.
(3) When the Company violates the Industrial Safety and Health Law, the Law Concerning Regulation of Radioactive Isotopes, etc., the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Control Law, or other laws and ordinances
(4) When a person commits an act of violence, intimidation or nuisance.
(5) Damage to the facilities, equipment, or goods, or use or removal of goods without authorization.
(6) When goods, medicine, etc., brought into the Facility are left behind without the approval of the person in charge of the Facility.
(7) Unauthorized access to the Facility’s information network, information systems, etc., or destruction or interference with their functions.
(8) When a person is found to have a disease that may be transmitted to the general public.
(9) When the person in charge of the Facility otherwise deems that the Facility is not in a condition where users can use it safely.

(Response to emergencies, etc.)
Article 9: In the event of an emergency or information security incident while using the Facility, the User shall immediately notify the person in charge of the Facility in accordance with the NanoTerasu User Guidebook and follow his/her instructions.
2: The User shall be responsible for responding to any emergency or information security incident caused by the User or equipment, goods, etc., brought by the User while using the Facility.
3: QST, PhoSIC, or JASRI shall be responsible for responding to any emergency or information security incident caused by itself or its equipment, goods, etc., at the Facility.

(Handling of personal information)
Article 10: QST, PhoSIC, or JASRI shall manage the personal information of Users obtained in accordance with the rules and regulations of each organization.
2: QST, PhoSIC, or JASRI may provide the acquired personal information of users to third parties for the purposes of use listed in the publicly announced “Handling of Personal Information at NanoTerasu” in the following cases.
(1) Provision of business to subcontractors
(2) Joint use by QST, PhoSIC or JASRI

(Handling of Confidential Information)
Article 11: QST, PhoSIC or JASRI shall manage the confidentiality of the acquired user information in accordance with the rules and regulations of each organization.
2: QST, PhoSIC, or JASRI may share the information on the contents of the User’s use with other organizations in order to check or take measures necessary to ensure the safety of the Facility. In this case, QST, PhoSIC or JASRI shall manage the information to be shared as confidential and in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph.
3: The Subscriber agrees to the joint use based on the provisions of the preceding paragraph.

(Handling of measurement data)
Article 12: The User shall be responsible for managing the measurement data obtained from the experiment from the time such data is recorded in the storage device of the Facility’s information system.

(Liability for damages of users)
Article 13: The User shall be liable for compensation to QST, PhoSIC, or JASRI for any damage caused to the Facilities or the Facilities’ equipment, goods, information network, information system, etc., due to reasons attributable to the User while using the Facilities.

Article 14: QST, PhoSIC, or JASRI shall not be liable for any damage sustained by the User during the use of the Facilities, except for reasons attributable to QST, PhoSIC, or JASRI.

(Amendment of the General Terms and Conditions)
Article 15: These Terms and Conditions may be amended by notifying or informing the User at least one month in advance, and the amended Terms and Conditions shall come into effect for all users.

(Method of notification)
Article 16: Notification to Users regarding the use of the Facilities shall be made by posting notices in the Facilities and on the websites of QST, PhoSIC, or JASRI.

(As of April 1, 2024)

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