Start of user operation for the NanoTerasu public beamline

At the 3 GeV high-brightness synchrotron radiation facility NanoTerasu, which began operation last year, user operation of the public beamlines commenced on March 3. To mark the start of public use, a press conference was held, during which the first users of the NanoTerasu public beamlines were interviewed about their enthusiasm and the anticipated outcomes of their research and analysis utilizing the beamlines for studies on superconductors, semiconductors, and other materials.


The three world-class beamlines made available for public use include the Soft X-ray Ultra-High-Resolution Inelastic Scattering Beamline, which achieved the world’s highest resolution on September 19, 2024 (Reiwa 6). With these three state-of-the-art beamlines now accessible, NanoTerasu will operate under two user programs: Public Use and Coalition Use. In particular, the Public Use program will facilitate high-level research projects selected from numerous proposals submitted by researchers worldwide. These projects are expected to yield scientific discoveries of global significance and strong societal impact.


Press Conference on the Start of Public Use

Dr. Hakuto Suzuki from Tohoku University answering questions from reporters

Dr. Ryu Yukawa from Tohoku University preparing samples for the start of user operation

The filming of the NHK program The Backyard

On December 17, filming for the NHK program The Backyard took place at NanoTerasu, guided by Dr. Takahashi, Director of the QST NanoTerasu Center, and Professor Harada from the Graduate School of Agricultural Science at Tohoku University. Reiko Shiota, known for her success in badminton as part of the “Ogushio” duo, served as the reporter. She covered topics such as the features of the beamline that has achieved world-class performance at NanoTerasu and the measurement results of familiar foods like ice cream. The program is scheduled to air on February 12.

The 8th RIKEN-RAP and QST-KPSI/NanoTerasu Joint Seminar

On February 4, the 8th RIKEN-RAP and QST-KPSI/NanoTerasu Joint Seminar was held at the NanoTerasu observation hall. The seminar featured nine presentations from RIKEN and QST on topics such as the generation of attosecond pulses and the oscillation of sub-cycle lasers. Prior to the seminar, on February 3, a facility tour of NanoTerasu was also conducted. The seminar had 34 participants, while the facility tour was attended by 22 participants.


Interview for the QST Rokkasho Institute Public Relations Magazine

On January 22, 2025, an interview was conducted for the creation of the public relations magazine of the Rokkasho Institute, National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology (QST). Nishimori, the Group Leader of the Accelerator Group at the NanoTerasu Center, provided an explanation of the world’s most advanced compact linear accelerator and the latest lattice design adopted for the storage ring.


The 6th AOBA SUMMIT Held

On January 15, 2025, “The 6th AOBA SUMMIT (International Forum for Innovation in Next Generation Synchrotron Radiation)” was held, co-hosted by Tohoku University and the Quantum Science and Technology Development Agency. This summit aimed to clarify the roles and future potential of synchrotron radiation facilities in response to changes in society and industry. Through international collaboration, participants shared and discussed issues such as innovation strategies, regulatory compliance, information security, and intellectual property protection, with the goal of building a sustainable and forward-looking ecosystem.


Special Symposium on the Latest Developments of NanoTerasu Held

On January 12, 2025, a special symposium titled “The Latest Developments of NanoTerasu: From Full-Scale Operation to Public Use” was held during the 38th Annual Meeting of the Japan Synchrotron Radiation Society and the Synchrotron Radiation Science Joint Symposium in Tsukuba City, Ibaraki Prefecture. Approximately 150 participants attended the event on-site, where the symposium featured lively discussions following the presentations.

Special Lecture at the General Meeting of The Society of Cutting Fluids & Cutting Technology

On December 6, 2024, Dr. Kado, leader of the Public Relations Group at NanoTerasu General Secretariat, delivered a special lecture titled “NanoTerasu: Japan’s First Fourth-Generation Synchrotron Radiation Facility – A Giant Microscope Illuminating the World of Nanotechnology” at the 83rd General Meeting of The Society of Cutting Fluids & Cutting Technology held at Arcadia Ichigaya. The event was attended by 195 participants.

Space Astronaut Mamoru Mohri Visits NanoTerasu

On November 29, 2024, astronaut Mamoru Mohri was invited to NanoTerasu for an interactive event themed around “Dreams and the Future of Science and Technology.” Participants included four first-year students from Sendai Daiichi High School and five second-year students from Sendai Daisan High School, both designated as Super Science High (SSH) schools in Sendai City, as well as three third-year undergraduate students and two second-year master’s students from Tohoku University.

The event featured Mr. Mohri himself as the facilitator, engaging in lively discussions with the students and participants. Prior to the event, Dr. Takahashi, Director of the QST NanoTerasu Center, guided Dr. Mohri through the experimental hall. During the tour, representatives of the three public beamlines provided explanations and exchanged ideas with Dr. Mohri.


Exhibition Booth and Science Seminar Held at QST Kansai Photon Science Institute Open House

On Saturday, November 16th, at the QST Kansai Photon Science Institute Open House, we showcased NanoTerasu through a panel booth and held a science seminar for children. The science seminar was attended by 43 participants, ranging from elementary school students to adults. The total number of attendees for the open house was 982.




“The 4th NanoTerasu Briefing (Meeting) of the Usage” was held

On 4th October, “The 4th NanoTerasu Briefing (Meeting) of the Usage” was held at Urban net Sendai-chuo Building (Senda-city, Miyagi). The participants satisfied for the brief introduction of the results from coalition beamlines and the achievements for public beamlines at NanoTerasu. On the next day, NanoTerasu site-visit also held.

Opening Greeting from Dr. Amemiya, Director of JASRI (instated by Dr. Ohishi)

Opening Greeting from Dr. Kawachi, Vice Director of QST

Opening Greeting from Dr. Kawamura, Vice Chairman of PhoSIC

Closing Remarks from Dr. Kawakami, Director General of the NanoTerasu Secretariat, QST

Visiting on NanoTerasu site

“The 3rd NanoTerasu Briefing (Meeting) of the Usage” was held

On 5th September, “The 3rd NanoTerasu Briefing (Meeting) of the Usage” was held at Kyushu University (Hakozaki Campus, Fukuoka). The participants satisfied for the brief introduction of the results from coalition beamlines and the achievements for public beamlines at NanoTerasu. Furthermore, Prof. Arima (Chief of NanoTerasu User Community) and Prof. Fuziwara (Chief of SPring-8 User Community) stated the expectation of the future in user communities at the synchrotron radiation user community. The final Briefing (Meeting) will be held on 4th October at Sendai and NanoTerasu.


Opening Greeting from Dr. Yamaguchi, Managing Director of JASRI

Closing Remarks from Dr. Kawakami, Director General of the NanoTerasu Secretariat, QST

“The 2nd NanoTerasu Briefing (Meeting) of the Usage” was held

On 23rd August, “The 2nd NanoTerasu Briefing (Meeting) of the Usage” was held at Kyoto-Karasuma Convention Center (Kyoto). The participants satisfied for the brief introduction of the results from coalition beamlines and the achievements for public beamlines at NanoTerasu. The next Briefing (Meeting) will be held on 5th September at Fukuoka.


Greeting from Mr. Ando, Managing Director of JASRI

Opening remarks from Dr. Ohishi, Director of NanoTerasu Promotion Div., JASRI

Lecture from Mr. Umezu, Section Chief of Research Environment Div., MEXT

Lecture from Dr. Takahashi, Leader of the NanoTerasu Center, QST

Lecture from Dr. Nakamura, Manager of PhoSIC (Tohoku Univ.)

Lecture from Dr. Miyawaki, Researcher of NanoTerasu Center, QST

Lecture from Dr. Kimura, Director of User Administration Div., JASRI

Lecture from Dr. Kawamura, Vice-Director of PhoSIC

Closing Remarks from Dr. Kawakami, Director General of the NanoTerasu Secretariat, QST


“The 1st NanoTerasu Briefing (Meeting) of the Usage” was held

On 18th July, “The 1st NanoTerasu Briefing (Meeting) of the Usage” was held at AP Yaesu (Tokyo). The participants satisfied for the brief introduction of the results from coalition beamlines and the achievements for public beamlines at NanoTerasu. The next Briefing (Meeting) will be held on 23rd August at Kyoto.


Greeting from Dr. Amemiya, President of JASRI

Opening remarks from Dr. Ohishi, Director of NanoTerasu Promotion Div., JASRI


Lecture from Mr. Uchino, Duputy Director of Research Environment Div., MEXT

Lecture from Dr. Kado, Group Leader of the NanoTerasu Secretariat, QST


Lecture from Dr. Watanabe, Special Assistant of PhoSIC Director (Tohoku Univ.)

Lecture from Dr. Horiba, Beamline Group Leader of NanoTerasu Center, QST

Lecture from Dr. Kimura, Director of User Administration Div., JASRI


Lecture from Dr. Kawamura, Vice-Director of PhoSIC

Closing Remarks from Dr. Kawakami, Director General of the NanoTerasu Secretariat, QST