A party of The IEEE International 3D Systems Integration Conference (3DIC) visit
On September 27, Kado, leader of the Public Relations Group at NanoTerasu General Secretariat led a party of the IEEE International 3D Systems Integration Conference (3DIC) a tour of NanoTerasu.
Tohoku University School of Engineering (Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering) visit
On September 24, Kado, leader of the Public Relations Group at NanoTerasu General Secretariat and Watanabe, special assistant to the president of PhoSIC, led a group of 30 students from Tohoku University School of Engineering (Dep. of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering) a tour of NanoTerasu.
On September 20, Kado, leader of the Public Relations Group at NanoTerasu General Secretariat led a group from COSMOSWEB a tour of NanoTerasu.
Iwate Prefectural Mizusawa High School visit
On September 20, Kado, leader of the Public Relations Group at NanoTerasu General Secretariat led a group of 14 students from Iwate Prefectural Mizusawa High School a tour of NanoTerasu.
Tohoku University Laboratory visit
On September 19, Kado, leader of the Public Relations Group at NanoTerasu General Secretariat, led a group of 10 members of the Tohoku University Laboratory on a tour of NanoTerasu.
Tohoku Branch of the Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan Visit
On September 13, Kado, leader of the Public Relations Group at NanoTerasu General Secretariat led a group of Tohoku Branch of the Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan a tour of NanoTerasu.
A party of Ministry of Finance, Japan visit
On September 11, Koyasu, president of QST, Takata, president of PhoSIC, and Amemiya, president of JASRI and others led a group from Ministry of Finance, Japan a tour of NanoTerasu.
A Party of JAEA vist
On september 11, Koyasu, president of QST and others led a group from JAEA a tour of NanoTerasu.
Securities Analysts visit
On September 11, Takahashi, manager of Public Relations Group at NanoTerasu General Secretariat, and Kobayashi, vice president of PhoSIC led a group of 6 securities analysts on a tour of NanoTerasu.
Holding a research meeting of the Laser Society at NanoTerasu
The 589th research meeting of the Laser Society, titled “Next-Generation Laser Processing,” was held on September 9, 2024, in the NanoTerasu Exhibition Hall. This was the first time the research meeting was held in the NanoTerasu Exhibition Hall. With approximately 30 participants, five research presentations were delivered, followed by a tour of the experimental hall.
Photo of Participants at the NanoTerasu Experimental Hall
Tohoku University Global Challenge Course visit
On September 5, Yaita, deputy director general of NanoTerasu General Secretariat and Watanabe, special assistant to the president of PhoSIC, led a group of 80 students from Tohoku University Global Challenge Course a tour of NanoTerasu.
A party of Cabinet Office visit
On September 5, Yaita, deputy director general of NanoTerasu General Secretariat and Watanabe, special assistant to the president of PhoSIC, led a group from Cabinet Office a tour of NanoTerasu.
A party of Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry visit
On September3, Koyasu, president of QST, Kawakami, secretary general of NanoTerasu Secretariat, Takahashi, director of NanoTerasu Center, and Takata, president of PhoSIC, led a group from Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, a tour of NanoTerasu.
A party of Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology visit
On September 3, Kawakami, secretary general, Yaita, deputy director general of NanoTerasu General Secretariat , Takahashi, director of NanoTerasu Center, and Takata, president of PhoSIC, led a group from Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, a tour of NanoTerasu.
Miyagi Prefecture Sendai Daisan Senior High School visit
On September 2nd, Kado, leader and Tomimatsu, manager of the Public Relations Group at NanoTerasu General Secretariat led a group of 78 students from Miyagi Prefecture Sendai Daisan Senior High School a tour of NanoTerasu.
A party of Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry visit
On August 30, Kawakami, secretary general, Yaita, deputy director general of NanoTerasu, and Kawamura, vice president of PhoSIC, led a group of 6 members from Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, a tour of NanoTerasu.
Students from the National College of Technology visit
On August 22, Takao Asaka, a senior technician of the NanoTerasu Center, gided 20 students from the National College of Technology to the tour of NanoTerasu.
Securities Analysts visit
On August 21, Takahashi, manager of Public Relations Group at NanoTerasu General Secretariat, Nishimori, group leader at NanoTerasu Center, and Kobayashi, vice president of PhoSIC led a group of 5 securities analysts on a tour of NanoTerasu.
Takaya, Deputy Director-General of Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology-Japan(MEXT) vist
On August 19, Kawachi, deputy director of QST, Takahashi, director of NanoTerasu Center, Kawakami, secretary general of NanoTerasu Secretariat, Takata, president of PhoSIC, and Amemiya, president of JASRI led Takaya, deputy director-general of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology and his delegation on a tour of NanoTerasu.
Delegation from the Tohoku Local Finance Bureau visit
On August 16, Takahashi, director of NanoTerasu Center, Kawakami, secretary general of NanoTerasu Secretariat, and Takata president of PhoSIC led Ohtawara, director generalal of the Tohoku Local Finance Bureau, Ministry of Finance and his delegation on a tour of NanoTerasu.
Shimizu Higashi Senior High School visit
On August 9, Kado, leader of the Public Relations Group at NanoTerasu General Secretariat led a group of 33 students from Shimizu Higashi Senior High School in Shizuoka a tour of NanoTerasu.
Miyagi Prefecture High School Teachers visit
On August 8, Tomimatsu, counselor of the Public Relations Group at NanoTerasu General Secretariat, and Watanabe, special assistant to the President at PhoSIC, led a group of 20 high school teachers from Miyagi Prefecture on a tour of NanoTerasu.
Shiba Senior High School visit
On August 6, Kado, leader of the Public Relations Group at NanoTerasu General Secretariat, and Watanabe, special assistant to the president at PhoSIC, led a group of 15 students from Shiba Senior High School in Tokyo a tour of NanoTerasu.
Liberal Democratic Party of Japan’s Sagamihara City Council Visit
On August 7, Kado, leader of the Public Relations Group of the NanoTerasu General Secretariat, led a group of 4 members of the Liberal Democratic Party of Japan’s Sagamihara City Council on a tour of NanoTerasu.
Kobayashi, Deputy Governor of Miyagi prefecture visit
On August 5, Kawakami, Secretary General of Nano Terasu, Takata, the President of PhoSIC, and others led Kobayashi, Deputy Governor of Miyagi Prefecture, and his delegation on a tour of Nano Terasu.
NanoTerasu Open Day
On 30th and 31st July, we were hosting “NanoTerasu Open Day”.
It was held with Tohoku University’s Open Campus to be understood for NanoTerasu and these innovation area for visitors
We welcomed a total of 2,370 visitors. Thank you very much for your attendance.
The next Open Day is planned to be held in this fall. Details will be announced on the NanoTerasu website.
Yamagata Minami Senior High School visit
On July 25, Dr. Masataka Kado, leader of the Public Relations Group at the Nano Terasu General Secretariat, led a group of 47 students from a Science and Mathematics course of Yamagata Minami Senior High School in Yamagata Prefecture on a tour of Nano Terasu.
Noda, Director of the Research Environment Division of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology-Japan (MEXT), and others visit
On July 23, Kawachi, the Deputy Director of QST, Takahashi, the Director of Nano Terasu Center, and Takata, the President of PhoSIC led
Noda, Director of the Research Environment Division of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology-Japan (MEXT), and her delegation on a tour of Nano Terasu.
Yamagata City Hall delegation visit
On July 17, three members of a delegation from Yamagata City Hall visited Nano Terasu, led by Dr.Masataka Kado, the Promotion and Public Relation Group Leader of the Nano Terasu Secretariat.
Oita prefectural assembly visit
On July 10, Dr.Masataka Kado, the Promotion and Public Relation Group Leader of the Nano Terasu Secretariat, led 11 members of Oita prefectural assembly.