Message from Director General, NanoTerasu Secretariat Masashi Hattori on retirement

I retire as Director General, NanoTerasu Secretariat on the end of June, 2024. I have worked on construction of governance and management system of NanoTerasu in addition to management of events such as a site visit on the G7 Science and Technology ministers meetings, the first beam ceremony and public site tours since I joined NanoTerasu about two years ago. I have contributed to the initial operation phase formulating common rules and coordinating among institutions as the first Director General, NanoTerasu Secretariat since this April.

I hope that NanoTeasu takes advantage of its strength as a world-leading research facility and becomes a place to form communities that connect people and people, research and research, and technology and technology and more. I expect you will have opportunities to engage with NanoTerasu in various situation.

I really appreciate your courteous support.

June, 2024
Masashi Hattori


Masashi Hattori