Start of user operation for the NanoTerasu public beamline

At the 3 GeV high-brightness synchrotron radiation facility NanoTerasu, which began operation last year, user operation of the public beamlines commenced on March 3. To mark the start of public use, a press conference was held, during which the first users of the NanoTerasu public beamlines were interviewed about their enthusiasm and the anticipated outcomes of their research and analysis utilizing the beamlines for studies on superconductors, semiconductors, and other materials.


The three world-class beamlines made available for public use include the Soft X-ray Ultra-High-Resolution Inelastic Scattering Beamline, which achieved the world’s highest resolution on September 19, 2024 (Reiwa 6). With these three state-of-the-art beamlines now accessible, NanoTerasu will operate under two user programs: Public Use and Coalition Use. In particular, the Public Use program will facilitate high-level research projects selected from numerous proposals submitted by researchers worldwide. These projects are expected to yield scientific discoveries of global significance and strong societal impact.


Press Conference on the Start of Public Use

Dr. Hakuto Suzuki from Tohoku University answering questions from reporters

Dr. Ryu Yukawa from Tohoku University preparing samples for the start of user operation