“The 4th NanoTerasu Briefing (Meeting) of the Usage” was held

On 4th October, “The 4th NanoTerasu Briefing (Meeting) of the Usage” was held at Urban net Sendai-chuo Building (Senda-city, Miyagi). The participants satisfied for the brief introduction of the results from coalition beamlines and the achievements for public beamlines at NanoTerasu. On the next day, NanoTerasu site-visit also held.

Opening Greeting from Dr. Amemiya, Director of JASRI (instated by Dr. Ohishi)

Opening Greeting from Dr. Kawachi, Vice Director of QST

Opening Greeting from Dr. Kawamura, Vice Chairman of PhoSIC

Closing Remarks from Dr. Kawakami, Director General of the NanoTerasu Secretariat, QST

Visiting on NanoTerasu site