
A party of The IEEE International 3D Systems Integration Conference (3DIC) visit

2024-09-27 CATEGORY:

On September 27, Kado, leader of the Public Relations Group at NanoTerasu General Secretariat led a party of the IEEE International 3D Systems Integration Conference (3DIC) a tour of  NanoTerasu.


Tohoku University School of Engineering (Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering) visit

2024-09-24 CATEGORY:

On September 24, Kado, leader of the Public Relations Group at NanoTerasu General Secretariat and Watanabe, special assistant to the president of PhoSIC, led a group of 30 students from Tohoku University School of Engineering (Dep. of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering) a tour of  NanoTerasu.



2024-09-20 CATEGORY:

On September 20, Kado, leader of the Public Relations Group at NanoTerasu General Secretariat led a group from  COSMOSWEB a tour of NanoTerasu.


Iwate Prefectural Mizusawa High School visit


On September 20, Kado, leader of the Public Relations Group at NanoTerasu General Secretariat led a group of 14 students from  Iwate Prefectural Mizusawa High School a tour of NanoTerasu.

The press briefing for the results of the public beamline BL02U has been held

2024-09-19 CATEGORY:

On September 19, 2024, a press briefing was held regarding the achievement of the world’s highest energy resolution at the NanoTerasu public beamline BL02U using the Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering (RIXS) apparatus. Principal Researcher Miyawaki from the NanoTerasu Center, in charge of BL02U, explained the details and significance of the achievement using videos of the apparatus in operation. The briefing was attended by representatives from Nikkei, Kahoku Shimpo, Jiji Press, NHK Sendai Broadcasting, Tohoku Broadcasting, and Miyagi Television.


Principal Researcher Miyawaki being interviewed by a group of reporter

Tohoku University Laboratory visit


On September 19, Kado, leader of the Public Relations Group at NanoTerasu General Secretariat, led a group of 10 members of the Tohoku University Laboratory on a tour of  NanoTerasu.


The NanoTerasu public beamline achieves the world’s highest energy resolution

2024-09-18 CATEGORY:

Principal researcher Jun Miyawaki and his colleague at the NanoTerasu Center have developed equipment for resonant inelastic X-ray scattering (RIXS) experiments at the public beamline BL02U of the NanoTerasu. They achieved a world-leading performance with an energy resolution of 16.1 meV, significantly surpassing the previous record of 22 meV. This breakthrough also improved the efficiency of the measurements.
(Press release dated September 18th)

Tohoku Computer College visit

2024-09-13 CATEGORY:

On September 13, Kado, leader of the Public Relations Group at NanoTerasu General Secretariat led a group of 50 students from Tohoku Computer College a tour of NanoTerasu.

Tohoku Branch of the Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan Visit


On September 13, Kado, leader of the Public Relations Group at NanoTerasu General Secretariat led a group of Tohoku Branch of the Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan a tour of NanoTerasu.

A party of Ministry of Finance, Japan visit

2024-09-11 CATEGORY:

On September 11, Koyasu, president of QST, Takata, president of PhoSIC, and  Amemiya, president of JASRI and others led a group from Ministry of Finance, Japan a tour of NanoTerasu.

A Party of JAEA vist


On september 11, Koyasu, president of QST  and others led a group from JAEA a tour of NanoTerasu.

Securities Analysts visit


On September 11, Takahashi, manager of Public Relations Group at NanoTerasu General Secretariat, and Kobayashi, vice president of PhoSIC led a group of 6 securities analysts on a tour of  NanoTerasu.


Holding a research meeting of the Laser Society at NanoTerasu

2024-09-10 CATEGORY:

The 589th research meeting of the Laser Society, titled “Next-Generation Laser Processing,” was held on September 9, 2024, in the NanoTerasu Exhibition Hall. This was the first time the research meeting was held in the NanoTerasu Exhibition Hall. With approximately 30 participants, five research presentations were delivered, followed by a tour of the experimental hall.

Presentation by Principal Researcher Dinh from QST Kansai Group


Photo of Participants at the NanoTerasu Experimental Hall

Increase the number of tour guide

2024-09-06 CATEGORY:

In response to the increase in tour acceptance slots from September, we have increased our tour guide. The photo shows Takano-san and Abe-san from the NanoTerasu Promotion and Public Relations Group, who were in charge of explaining to visitors for the first time on September 3rd. They made the explanations enjoyable and easy to understand by incorporating quizzes.


Tohoku University Global Challenge Course visit

2024-09-05 CATEGORY:

On September 5,  Yaita, deputy director general of NanoTerasu General Secretariat and Watanabe, special assistant to the president of PhoSIC, led  a group  of 80 students from Tohoku University Global Challenge Course a tour of  NanoTerasu.


A party of Cabinet Office visit


On September 5,  Yaita, deputy director general of NanoTerasu General Secretariat and Watanabe, special assistant to the president of PhoSIC, led  a group  from Cabinet Office a tour of  NanoTerasu.


“The 3rd NanoTerasu Briefing (Meeting) of the Usage” was held


On 5th September, “The 3rd NanoTerasu Briefing (Meeting) of the Usage” was held at Kyushu University (Hakozaki Campus, Fukuoka). The participants satisfied for the brief introduction of the results from coalition beamlines and the achievements for public beamlines at NanoTerasu. Furthermore, Prof. Arima (Chief of NanoTerasu User Community) and Prof. Fuziwara (Chief of SPring-8 User Community) stated the expectation of the future in user communities at the synchrotron radiation user community. The final Briefing (Meeting) will be held on 4th October at Sendai and NanoTerasu.


Opening Greeting from Dr. Yamaguchi, Managing Director of JASRI

Closing Remarks from Dr. Kawakami, Director General of the NanoTerasu Secretariat, QST

A party of Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry visit

2024-09-03 CATEGORY:

On September3,  Koyasu, president of QST, Kawakami, secretary general of NanoTerasu Secretariat, Takahashi, director of NanoTerasu Center, and Takata, president of PhoSIC, led  a group from Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, a tour of  NanoTerasu.


A party of Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology visit, Sep.3


On September 3,  Kawakami, secretary general, Yaita, deputy director general of NanoTerasu General Secretariat , Takahashi, director of NanoTerasu Center, and Takata, president of PhoSIC, led  a group  from Ministry of  Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, a tour of  NanoTerasu.


Miyagi Prefecture Sendai Daisan Senior High School visit

2024-09-02 CATEGORY:

On September 2nd, Kado, leader and Tomimatsu, manager of the Public Relations Group at NanoTerasu General Secretariat led a group of 78 students from Miyagi Prefecture Sendai Daisan Senior High School a tour of NanoTerasu.


At the international conference SRI 2024, Group Leader Nishimori and Principal Researcher Miyawaki, among others, gave presentations

2024-08-30 CATEGORY:

At the ’15th International Conference on Synchrotron Radiation Instrumentation (SRI 2024)’, held in Hamburg, Germany, from August 26 to August 30, 2024, Group Leader Nishimori of the NanoTerasu Center’s Accelerator Group and Principal Researcher Miyawaki of the Beamline Group, among others, gave presentations.


A party of Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry visit


On August 30,  Kawakami, secretary general, Yaita, deputy director general of NanoTerasu, and Kawamura, vice president of PhoSIC, led  a group of 6 members from Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, a tour of  NanoTerasu.


Introducing NanoTerasu at SRI2024

2024-08-27 CATEGORY:

The Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute (JASRI), which is in charge of promoting the use of NanoTerasu, introduced NanoTerasu together with SPring-8/SACLA supported by RIKEN and QST at 15th International Conference on Synchrotron Radiation Instrumentation (SRI2024) held at Congress Center Hamburg (Hamburg, Germany) from August 26 (Mon.) to 30 (Fri.), 2024.


“The 2nd NanoTerasu Briefing (Meeting) of the Usage” was held

2024-08-23 CATEGORY:

On 23rd August, “The 2nd NanoTerasu Briefing (Meeting) of the Usage” was held at Kyoto-Karasuma Convention Center (Kyoto). The participants satisfied for the brief introduction of the results from coalition beamlines and the achievements for public beamlines at NanoTerasu. The next Briefing (Meeting) will be held on 5th September at Fukuoka.


Greeting from Mr. Ando, Managing Director of JASRI

Opening remarks from Dr. Ohishi, Director of NanoTerasu Promotion Div., JASRI

Lecture from Mr. Umezu, Section Chief of Research Environment Div., MEXT

Lecture from Dr. Takahashi, Leader of the NanoTerasu Center, QST

Lecture from Dr. Nakamura, Manager of PhoSIC (Tohoku Univ.)

Lecture from Dr. Miyawaki, Researcher of NanoTerasu Center, QST

Lecture from Dr. Kimura, Director of User Administration Div., JASRI

Lecture from Dr. Kawamura, Vice-Director of PhoSIC

Closing Remarks from Dr. Kawakami, Director General of the NanoTerasu Secretariat, QST


Students from the National College of Technology visit

2024-08-22 CATEGORY:

On August 22, Takao Asaka, a senior technician of the NanoTerasu Center, gided 20 students from the National College of Technology to the tour of NanoTerasu.

Securities Analysts visit

2024-08-21 CATEGORY:

On August 21, Takahashi, manager of Public Relations Group at NanoTerasu General Secretariat, Nishimori, group leader at NanoTerasu Center, and Kobayashi, vice president of PhoSIC led a group of 5 securities analysts on a tour of  NanoTerasu.

Young reporters of Kahoku Shimpo “Weekly Kaho Pyon Press” visited to NanoTerasu

2024-08-20 CATEGORY:

Dr. Nobuyuki Nishibori (QST NanoTerasu Center Group Leader) and Dr. Masashi Watanabe (Tohoku University / Special President Assistant of PhoSIC) gave an explanation about NanoTerasu. We are looking forward to seeing the fruitful articles.


Takaya, Deputy Director-General of Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology-Japan(MEXT) vist

2024-08-19 CATEGORY:

On August 19, Kawachi,  deputy director of QST,  Takahashi,  director of NanoTerasu Center, Kawakami, secretary general of NanoTerasu Secretariat, Takata,  president of PhoSIC, and  Amemiya, president of JASRI led  Takaya, deputy director-general of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology and his delegation on a tour of NanoTerasu.


Delegation from the Tohoku Local Finance Bureau visit

2024-08-16 CATEGORY:

On August 16, Takahashi, director of NanoTerasu Center,  Kawakami, secretary general of NanoTerasu Secretariat, and Takata president of PhoSIC led Ohtawara, director generalal of the Tohoku Local Finance Bureau,  Ministry of Finance and his delegation on a tour of  NanoTerasu.


Shimizu Higashi Senior High School visit

2024-08-09 CATEGORY:

On August 9, Kado, leader of the Public Relations Group at NanoTerasu General Secretariat  led a group of 33 students from Shimizu Higashi Senior High School in Shizuoka a tour of NanoTerasu.


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