User’s Guide

Table of Contents

For Those Considering Using NanoTerasu for the First Time

About the Usage System

Use of Public Beamlines

  • For details on the public beamline usage system, an overview of the public beamlines, how to apply for research proposals, and usage fees, please refer to JASRI’s NanoTerasu User Information.

Use of Coalition Beamlines

  • For details on the coalition usage system, an overview of the coalition beamlines, application procedures, and pricing plans, please refer to the Coalition Users’ Exclusive Page.

Procedures Until the Implementation of Research Projects

Overview of Procedures

Procedures to be Completed by the Principal Investigator

  • Research Proposal Application (for public use)
  • Usage Application and Safety-Related Notifications
  • Beam Time Completion Report

Procedures to be Completed by All Principal and Collaborating Experimenters

  • Registration as a Radiation Worker or as a User of Beamlines Outside the Controlled Area (Handler, etc.)
  • Receipt of a Dosimeter (for radiation workers only) and an ID Card Case for the Completion Certificate of Training

Research Proposal Application

For Public Beamlines

  • The person acting as the principal investigator should refer to JASRI’s NanoTerasu User Information and submit a research proposal application.

For Coalition Beamlines

  • In principle, no application for research proposal review is required for coalition beamlines. Please refer to the Coalition Users’ Exclusive Page and, if necessary, consult PhoSIC regarding usage.

Registration of Radiation Workers and Related Personnel

  • Once it is confirmed that you will be using NanoTerasu, the principal investigator and all collaborating experimenters must log into the Radiation Worker Application System and complete their registration.
  • Upon initial registration, a My Page will be created, where users can proceed with their application to become a radiation worker or a user of beamlines outside the controlled area (handler, etc.) and complete the required training (e-learning).
    • ※ A “User of Beamlines Outside the Controlled Area” is a term unique to NanoTerasu, referring to individuals engaged in handling, managing, or performing ancillary tasks related to radioactive isotopes or radiation-generating equipment outside designated radiation-controlled areas, as defined by the Regulations for the Enforcement of the Act on the Regulation of Radioisotopes, etc. (Cabinet Order No. 56 of 1960, Article 1, Paragraph 8).
    • ※ For details regarding radiation workers and users of beamlines outside the controlled area (handlers, etc.), please refer to the Radiation section.
    • ※ During My Page registration, users must upload a photo required for entry into the NanoTerasu building. For details on the entry system, please refer to the Entry into the NanoTerasu Building section.

Usage Application

For Public Beamlines

  • The principal investigator must complete the necessary procedures, such as submitting the usage application form, by the specified deadline before usage begins. Please refer to JASRI’s NanoTerasu User Information.

For Coalition Beamlines

  • Users should log into the Beam Time Reservation Management System via the Coalition Users’ Exclusive Page to request the desired beamline and usage period. For details, please refer to the same page.

Safety-Related Notifications (Applicable to Both Public and Coalition)

  • The principal investigator must report any chemicals, reagents, high-pressure gases, etc., brought into NanoTerasu according to the prescribed formats. For details, please refer to the relevant sections of this User Guide.

Upon Arrival at NanoTerasu

  • At the beginning of each usage session, users must visit the NanoTerasu Users’ Office to receive a dosimeter and an ID card case for the completion certificate of training. The completion certificate must be printed and brought along. A principal investigator or a designated collaborating experimenter may collect these items on behalf of the entire experiment group, provided they bring all completion certificates.
  • For first-time users of a beamline, an orientation or training session may be required by the beamline staff. Please arrange in advance with the responsible staff and proceed to the beamline or meeting point accordingly.
  • Unauthorized entry into beamlines, experimental equipment areas, or related rooms other than those assigned is strictly prohibited.

After Usage Completion

Users must report the actual beam time used, the amount of consumables utilized, etc., following the prescribed formats for both public and coalition usage.

For Public Beamlines

For Coalition Beamlines

Entry into the NanoTerasu Building

NanoTerasu uses a facial recognition-based “entry system” for building access management. Pre-registration of facial recognition data is required to gain entry.

Entry Management for Principal Investigators and Collaborating Experimenters

  • ※ Users can access the entrance, sub-entrance, elevator, experiment hall, and some surrounding rooms (such as the experiment preparation room) using facial recognition.
  • First-time users of facial recognition for NanoTerasu entry must visit during working hours (weekdays from 9:00 to 17:30) to verify proper recognition. Please enter through the main entrance.
  • If the automatic door does not unlock via facial recognition, please contact the Users’ Office or the Central Facility Monitoring Room using the intercom next to the entrance door.
    • NanoTerasu staff will verify the registered information and process the entry.
    • If the registration information cannot be confirmed, entry will be denied.
  • Any experiment participant (principal investigator or collaborating experimenter) entering NanoTerasu without facial recognition is strictly prohibited.

Entry and Room Access Procedures

  1. First, perform facial recognition using the camera next to the automatic door.
  2. Once identity is confirmed, the blue LED will turn green, and the automatic door will unlock. Proceed inside.
  3. Exit and departure do not require facial recognition; the doors will open automatically.

Facility Tours and Experiment Observations

  • To use NanoTerasu, individuals must be registered as either a Radiation Worker or a User of Beamlines Outside the Controlled Area (Handler, etc.).
  • There are two types of tours: general facility tours for the public and experiment observations for experiment-related personnel.

Facility Tours

  • If members of the general public (who are not part of an experiment group) wish to visit NanoTerasu, they should refer to the NanoTerasu Facility Tour Application.
  • Note: Facility tours only include the designated tour hall. Access to the experiment hall is not permitted.

Experiment Observations

  • If an experiment group member (observer) who is NOT registered as a Radiation Worker or a User of Beamlines Outside the Controlled Area (Handler, etc.) wishes to enter the experiment hall for observation, preliminary inspections, participation, or discussions with involved personnel, they must apply for an Experiment Hall Observation Entry Permit. See Experiment Tours (Visiting the Experimental Hall Only) for details.
  • If an observer also needs to enter an experiment hatch, they must apply for a Temporary Controlled Area Entry Permit. See Experiment Tours (Entering Experimental Hutches) for more information.


Basic Safety Considerations

Compliance with Laws and Regulations

  • When conducting work at NanoTerasu, all users must comply with laws and the rules established by NanoTerasu, always prioritizing safety and health.

SWA (Stop Work Authority)

  • If hazardous or unsafe behavior is observed, NanoTerasu staff may order the suspension of the work.
  • All users must take immediate action if they witness dangerous or unsafe behavior by either warning the individual directly or reporting it to nearby NanoTerasu staff or the Users’ Office.

Principles of Emergency Response

In the event of a disaster, accident, injury, or medical emergency, the following three principles must be followed:

  1. Human Life First
    The highest priority is the safety and well-being of individuals.
  2. Reporting
    Inform those nearby about the emergency and follow the designated emergency reporting procedures.
  3. Preventing Further Damage
    After ensuring your own safety, take appropriate initial actions to prevent the situation from worsening.

Hygiene and Orderliness

  • Users must maintain cleanliness and orderliness in their work areas.

Avoiding Solo Experiments and Preventing Accidents Due to Fatigue

  • Do not conduct experiments alone.
  • Ensure sufficient sleep and rest during your time at NanoTerasu. Do not conduct experiments when feeling unwell or mentally fatigued.

Hazard Awareness and Consideration for Others

  • Before conducting an experiment, carefully assess the potential hazards associated with the equipment, tools, and work conditions.
    • (Example: During baking procedures while wearing short sleeves, there is a risk of burns if your arm touches a hot surface.)
  • If a hazard is identified, take preventive measures such as wearing protective gear.
  • Use signs, warnings, and restricted access areas to alert others to potential hazards.

Access Restrictions

  • As a rule, users are not allowed to enter the areas inside the Experimental Hall of the Storage Ring Building and the Linac Building, including above the accelerator tunnel.
  • The Experimental Hall is not a radiation-controlled area, except for the interior of beamline hatches.
    • However, if radiation levels are expected to increase due to adjustments to the accelerator or beamlines, safety zones may be set up using barricade ropes.
    • Only authorized NanoTerasu radiation workers are permitted to enter radiation-controlled or restricted areas.
  • Do not enter areas with warning or caution signs unless authorized.

Clothing and Footwear

  • To prevent accidents and injuries, avoid inappropriate clothing and footwear.
    • (Examples: Do not wear shoes that are loose-fitting or slippery; avoid exposing unnecessary skin.)

Emergency Response

Emergency Contact Procedures

  • (1) When an Injury or Medical Emergency Occurs
    If an individual suffers an injury or a sudden health issue and requires an ambulance, dial 119 to contact the fire department directly.
    After calling 119, report the ambulance dispatch to the Central Facility Monitoring Room at 022-721-5180.
  • (2) In Case of Fire or Other Emergencies
    If a fire or other emergency occurs, immediately call the Central Facility Monitoring Room at 022-721-5180 (The Monitoring Room will handle the notification to the fire department).
  • (3) Important Points When Making an Emergency Call
    Stay calm and clearly provide:
    • Your name and contact information
    • The location within NanoTerasu where the emergency is occurring
    • A brief description of the situation
    • Do not hang up until instructe d to do so.
    • ※ After reporting to the fire department or the Central Facility Monitoring Room, if possible, notify the beamline staff as well.

Emergency Evacuation Locations

  • In the event of a disaster, fire, or accident, follow instructions from the public address system and evacuate immediately if necessary.
  • At the evacuation site, follow the instructions of NanoTerasu staff.
  • The main evacuation locations are:
    • Parking lot in front of the entrance
    • Parking lots in front of each sub-entrance
    • Roads around each emergency exit

Personnel Accountability

  • The Principal Investigator (PI) must be able to communicate with collaborating experimenters, the Users’ Office, and beamline staff at all times during their NanoTerasu usage period.
    • ※ In the event of a large-scale disaster or fire, the PI may be asked to report the safety status of their experiment group members.

Fire Response

If a fire occurs, report it immediately to the designated contact points. If it is safe to do so, attempt initial fire suppression within your capabilities.

  • When a Fire is Caused by Electrical Equipment: First, cut the power to the burning equipment.
  • Do not use water to extinguish electrical fires. Use the provided dry powder fire extinguisher.
  • If you are not involved in fire suppression, evacuate immediately to the designated evacuation site.

Earthquake Response

If you feel a strong tremor, follow these steps:

Key Points:

  • NanoTerasu is designed to withstand earthquakes as strong as the Great East Japan Earthquake (2011).
  • Remaining inside the facility is generally the safest option.

During an Earthquake:

  1. Stay calm and prioritize personal safety.
  2. Move away from areas where objects might fall or collapse.
  3. Take cover under a sturdy table or similar structure.
  4. Once the shaking stops, check for fires and extinguish them if necessary and provide first aid to injured individuals.
  5. If an evacuation order is issued, follow instructions and proceed calmly to the designated evacuation site.
  6. Do not use elevators.

Radiation Accident Response

If any of the following radiation-related incidents occur, immediately contact the Central Facility Monitoring Room and follow their instructions:

  1. Loss or theft of re-used radioactive materials or sealed radioactive sources.
  2. Unplanned radiation exposure exceeding:
    • 1 millisievert for radiation workers, or
    • 0.1 millisieverts for non-radiation workers,
    • or cases where such exposure is likely (e.g., unauthorized entry into restricted areas such as the accelerator tunnel or beamline hatches).

Chemical Accidents Response

  • Before bringing chemicals or reagents into NanoTerasu,
    • Review their Safety Data Sheets (SDS)
    • Ensure you understand their properties
    • Prepare emergency supplies in case of accidental exposure or injury.
  • If an incident occurs, follow the same emergency contact procedures as for medical emergencies.
  • Even if first aid is administered, immediately notify the Central Facility Monitoring Room.

Emergency showers are located near the Central Control Room in the Experiment Hall, Sub-Entrance 2, and Equipment Maintenance Room 1.

Oxygen Deficiency Accident Response

Inert gases themselves are not harmful but can cause oxygen deficiency when they accumulate in an enclosed space. Oxygen levels in the air correlate with symptoms as follows:

Oxygen Level [%]Effects
21%Normal air composition
18%Safety limit, but requires continuous ventilation
16%Headache, nausea
12%Dizziness, muscle weakness
8%Loss of consciousness, death within 7–8 minutes
6%Immediate coma, respiratory failure, death
  • If You Discover an Oxygen Deficiency Victim:
    • Call for help loudly.
    • Rescue the person only if it is safe, taking care not to become a victim yourself.
      • Hold your breath if necessary and drag the victim out of the room.
      • Follow the same emergency reporting procedures as for medical emergencies.
  • To prevent secondary accidents, do not attempt solo rescues if the situation is prolonged.
  • Be cautious when handling liquid nitrogen or other cryogenic gases in experiment hatches or surrounding rooms.

Other Important Notes

  1. Severe burns (larger than the palm), heavy bleeding, fractures, loss of consciousness, breathing difficulties, or cardiac arrest require immediate medical attention.
  2. If you sustain a head injury, seek medical evaluation regardless of visible wounds or symptoms.
  3. If emergency transport is required, an experiment colleague should accompany the injured person and coordinate with their affiliated institution and NanoTerasu staff.

AED (Automated External Defibrillator)

AEDs are installed in the following locations. Please use them for life-saving activities in cases of cardiac arrest.

1. Entrance Hall (2nd Floor)
2. Near Sub-Entrance 1 (1st Floor)
  • ※ Additionally, an AED is installed near the elevator hall entrance in the Storage Ring Building’s inner transport area (1st Floor: Radiation-Controlled Area), primarily for emergency use by NanoTerasu staff.

Response to Minor Injuries and Health Issues

  • In case of injury or health issues, users should seek medical treatment at the nearest healthcare facility at their own discretion.
  • During the Users’ Office working hours (weekdays 9:00–17:30), users may use the rest room for bed rental or receive basic first aid, depending on the situation.


  • Due to Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Act (PMDA regulations), NanoTerasu does not provide over-the-counter medications (e.g., oral medicine).
  • Over-the-counter medications can cause severe allergic reactions or side effects depending on individual health conditions.
  • Users should bring their own medications after consulting their primary care physician or pharmacist.

Overview of the Rest Room

  • There are two rest rooms available in Sub-Entrance Hall 2.
  • Both Rest Room 1 and 2 can be used freely as break areas, even by those not experiencing injuries or health issues.
  • Partitioned areas are available for changing clothes.
  • Rest Room 1 is designated for women, and Rest Room 2 is designated for men.
  • Only beverages and snacks may be consumed inside. Meals are not allowed.
  • Users must maintain cleanliness in the rest rooms.
  • If an injured or ill person requires the space for first aid or rest, other users may be asked to leave temporarily.

First Aid in the Rest Room

If a minor injury occurs during an experiment or if a user feels unwell, they should contact the Users’ Office during working hours (weekdays 9:00–17:30). A nurse may provide assistance in the rest room, depending on the severity of the condition.

  • A first-aid kit is available near the entrance of the rest room.
    • Users may use it as needed for basic first aid.


  • Nurses may not always be available or may take time to arrive.

First Aid Procedures

For Injuries

  • Disinfection and bleeding control
  • Cooling the affected area
  • Removing splinters or foreign objects
  • Providing information on nearby medical facilities

For Health Issues

  • Use of beds
    • If symptoms suggest an infectious disease (e.g., coughing, vomiting), the user should seek medical attention immediately.
  • Temperature and blood pressure measurement
  • Warming with an electric heating pad
  • Providing information on nearby medical facilities


  • For moderate to severe injuries or health issues, users should seek treatment at the nearest healthcare facility.

[Supplementary Information] Use of the Rest Room and Emergency Bags (currently only available in Japanese)


Procedures for using / visiting the beamlines

To enter the NanoTerasu Experimental Hall and conduct experiments, either of the following registrations or application is required:

  1. ① Registration as a Radiation worker
  2. ② Registration as a Non-Radiation-Controlled Area BL User (Radiation Handler)
  3. ③ Application for Temporary Access to Radiation-Controlled Area

Alternatively, either of the following procedures is necessary to enter the Experimental Hall as an observer affiliated with an experimental group:

  1. ① Application for a Visit to the Experimental Hall
  2. ② Application for Temporary Access to Radiation-Controlled Area

Refer to the following flowchart to determine the necessary procedures for your situation. Details of each procedure are explained below. All procedures can be completed through the Radiation Management System or via designated forms below.

Flowchart】Procedures required to use / visit the NanoTerasu beamlines

Note: The Radiation Management System is currently available only to users affiliated with Japanese institutions, while users affiliated with overseas institutions should use the designated forms below.

Application Form】 for Registration as a Non-Radiation-Controlled Area BL Users (Radiation Handlers)

Consent Form for Handling of Personal Data】 for Residents of EEA (European Economic Area) member states, including EU member countries, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, and the United Kingdom)

User Classification

Users conducting experiments at NanoTerasu must register as either a Radiation Worker or a Non-Radiation-Controlled Area BL User (Radiation Handler).

ClassificationUser capabilities
Radiation Worker
  • Handling of Soft X-ray Beamlines (including sample exchange and shutter operation)
  • Handling of Hard X-ray Beamlines (including sample exchange and shutter operation)
  • Access into Experimental Hutches and work therein, including setting and releasing the normally closed state of the hutch
Non-Radiation-Controlled Area BL User*
(Radiation Handler)
  • Handling of Soft X-ray Beamlines (including sample exchange and shutter operation)
  • Handling of Hard X-ray Beamlines from outside the Experimental Hutch (including shutter operation)
    • Note: To enter an Experimental Hutch, an application for temporary access to the radiation-controlled area, as well as escort and supervision by a radiation worker, are required.
    • Note: Within the Experimental Hutch, any work related to the operation or management of radiation generators is prohibited.
    [Examples of Permitted Work in the Experimental Hutches]
    • Sample exchange
    • Transport, installation, wiring, and adjustment of measurement instruments and sample cells that are not part of radiation generators

* A Non-Radiation-Controlled Area BL User corresponds to a “Radiation Handler” as defined in Article 8, Paragraph 1 of the Ordinance for Enforcement of the Act on the Regulation of Radioisotopes, etc. (Cabinet Order No. 56 of 1960).  This classification includes individuals engaged in the handling, management, or related operations of radioisotopes or radiation generators outside the radiation-controlled area. It is a NanoTerasu-specific term, referring to personnel permitted to handle radiation generators, such as X-ray beamlines, only outside the radiation-controlled area.

Note: To use a hard X-ray beamline, at least one person among the experiment leader or co-experimenters must be registered as a radiation worker.
Note: Even if a user is a radiation worker, access to the Optical Hutches is generally prohibited.

Registration, Renewal, and Cancellation Procedures for Radiation Workers and Non-Radiation-Controlled Area BL Users

Once you have been approved to use NanoTerasu, all users (experiment leader and co-experimenters) who need to enter the Experimental Hall to conduct experiments must individually register or renew their status as a Radiation Worker or Non-Radiation-Controlled Area BL User (Radiation Handler) through the Radiation Management System or via the designated forms.


  1. To register as a Radiation Worker or a Non-Radiation-Controlled Area BL User (Radiation Handler), complete the application and take the required education and training (e-learning) via the Radiation Management System, etc.
  2. Radiation Workers must have undergone a legally required health checkup within six months of application. Non-Radiation-Controlled Area BL Users (Radiation Handlers) are not required to undergo a health checkup.
  3. Registration of a Radiation Worker or a Non-Radiation-Controlled Area BL User (Radiation Handler) requires approval from the responsible persons at the user’s affiliation.
  4. Radiation Workers must undergo dose management (exposure monitoring) at their affiliations. Personal exposure dose measurements at NanoTerasu can be checked via the Radiation Management System, etc.

Renewal / Changes

  1. If users intend to continue using NanoTerasu in the following fiscal year, they must complete the renewal process via the Radiation Management System or the designated forms within the designated period. Failure to do so will result in automatic cancellation of registration as a Radiation Worker or a Non-Radiation-Controlled Area BL User (Radiation Handler).
  2. If there are any changes in affiliation or contact details, users must update their information accordingly.


If a user will no longer use NanoTerasu due to transfer, retirement, or contract expiration, it is recommended to cancel their registration of a Radiation Worker or a Non-Radiation-Controlled Area BL User (Radiation Handler) via the Radiation Management System, etc. as soon as possible. If the renewal process is not completed within the designated period, the registration will be automatically canceled.

Receipt and Return of Dosimeters (for Radiation Workers)

Receiving Dosimeters

  • Radiation Workers are provided with personal dosimeters (Luminess Badges) from the Users Office.
    Note: Dosimeters can be borrowed daily (including weekends and holidays) from 9:00 to 17:30. If you need to borrow one outside this period, consult with the person in charge of the BL in advance.
  • The experiment leader or their representative should collect dosimeters for the entire experimental group.
  • The experiment leader or their representative is responsible for managing the dosimeters of all individuals involved in the experiment.
  • A cardholder is provided along with the dosimeter. Radiation Workers and Non-Radiation-Controlled Area BL Users (Radiation Handlers) must print their Certificate of Education and Training Completion from the Radiation Management System, etc. and display it visibly in the cardholder while in the Experimental Hall.
  • Users who only use the soft X-ray beamline (Non-Radiation-Controlled Area BL Users (Radiation Handlers))   and are not required to wear a dosimeter, must still carry their Certificate of Education and Training Completion.

Types of Dosimeters Issued at NanoTerasu

Dosimeter Exchange

  • If the usage period spans multiple months, dosimeters must be exchanged. Follow the instructions provided by the Radiation Safety Office when receiving your dosimeter.

Returning Dosimeters

  • After the experiment, return the dosimeter and cardholder to the collection box in front of the Users Office.

Precautions when handling dosimeters

  • Men should wear the dosimeter on their chest and women should wear it on their abdomen.
  • Wear the dosimeter with the QR code and name label facing forward.
  • Always carry the dosimeter during experiments. Do not leave it inside the Experimental Hutch.
    Note: If the shutter is opened to synchrotron radiation is introduced into the Experimental Hutch while a dosimeter has been left inside, immediately contact the person in charge of the BL or the Radiation Safety Office, and the user of that dosimeter must not enter the Experimental Hutch until further instructions are given.
  • Avoid subjecting the dosimeter to impacts.
  • Secure the dosimeter by clipping it to your chest pocket or a similar location to prevent it from falling.
  • Keep the dosimeter dry, do not expose it to water.
  • Do not take the dosimeter outside the NanoTerasu facility. If it is accidentally taken outside and cannot be returned by 17:30 on the same day, contact the Radiation Safety Office at 022-785-9991.

Observing Experiments and Temporary Access to Radiation-Controlled Areas

Non-Radiation Workers must apply for Temporary Access before entering radiation-controlled areas. They must also be escorted and supervised by a Radiation Worker.

Experiment Tours (Visiting the Experimental Hall Only)

  • Visitors who do not directly participate in  experiments but wish to enter the Experimental Hall for observation, supervision, preview, discussion, etc.  must have an escort (registered as a Radiation Worker or a Non-Radiation-Controlled Area BL User) submit a visit application to the Experimental Hall via the Radiation Management System.
  • This application does not grant access to the Experimental Hutch.
  • Visitors should refrain from observing beamlines other than those used by their experimental group without permission.

Experiment Tours (Entering Experimental Hutches)

  • If visitors also wish to enter the Experimental Hutch, a Radiation Worker or Non-Radiation-Controlled Area BL User must apply for Temporary Access via the Radiation Management System ( A visit application for the Experimental Hall is not required.).
  • The Users Office will provide one electronic pocket dosimeter (EPD) per tour group. The group representative must wear it at all times and return it to the Users Office after the tour.
  • Handled the EPD in the same manner as a Luminess Badge (it does not have a QR code). Additionally, do not place the EPD near mobile phones or smartphones, as strong radio waves may cause malfunctions.  If you suspect that the EPD may have malfunctioned due to radio wave exposure, please inform the Users Office.

When Non-Radiation-Controlled Area BL Users Enter Experimental Hutches to Assist in Experiments

  • Non-Radiation-Controlled Area BL Users (Radiation Handlers) are not permitted to enter the Experimental Hutches without completing the Temporary Access procedure.
  • If a Non-Radiation-Controlled Area BL User needs to enter the Experimental Hutch to assist with an experiment, the experiment leader or co-experimenter (who must be a Radiation Worker) must apply for Temporary Access via the Radiation Management System (at least three days before the experiment.)
    Note: Experimental assistance includes sample exchange, and the transportation, installation, wiring, and adjustment of measuring instruments or sample cells that are not part of radiation generators.
  • The Users Office will provide one DIS dosimeter per experimental group. The experiment leader or their representative must collect it. The collection times and procedures are the same as those for the Luminess badges mentioned above.
  • The DIS dosimeter must be worn at all times by the experiment leader or a co-experimenter who enters the Experimental Hutches.
  • DIS dosimeters should be handled in the same manner as Luminess badges (they do not have a QR code.)
  • After the experiment, return the DIS dosimeter along with the Luminess badges to the collection box at the Users Office.

Precautions When Using the Beamline

Carrying your Certificate of Education and Training Completion

  • Registration as a Radiation Worker or Radiation Handler is completed by taking the education and training course (e-learning) and passing the comprehension test through the Radiation Management System, etc. Those who pass can print their Certificate of Education and Training Completion from their My Page on the system.
  • Experiment leaders and co-experimenters conducting experiments at NanoTerasu must print their Certificate of Education and Training Completion and display it visibly to NanoTerasu staff while in the Experimental Hall. A cardholder for this purpose is available at the Users Office.

How to use the Experimental Hutches

The Experimental Hutches are equipped with interlock systems to prevent radiation exposure to users. However, incorrect usage may not only  interrupt experiments or trigger emergency shutdowns of the accelerators, but, in the worst case, lead to radiation exposure accidents. Ensure a thorough understanding of the education and training content and follow the instructions given by the person in charge of the BL.
To introduce synchrotron radiation into the Experimental Hutch, an exit sequence must be executed to set the hutch to a normally closed state.

  • Before starting the exit sequence, confirm that no one else remains inside the hutch .
  • The person initiating the exit sequence (radiation workers only) must be the last to exit the hutch.
  • Ensure that the automatic door of the experimental hutch remains in its normally closed state, before opening the shutter according to the designated procedure.
  • Consult the person in charge of the BL before opening any manual doors or cable ducts. Do not open them when the hutch is in its normally closed state.
  • Do not move fixed shielding materials such as the beam stopper inside the hutch. If adjustments to the movable beam stopper, etc., are needed during hutch switching, consult the person in charge of the BL (users are generally prohibited from moving them).

Chemical Substances

Handling of Chemicals and Reagents

  • When handling chemical substances, users must obtain a Safety Data Sheet (SDS) in advance to understand the properties, hazards, and toxicity of the substance before handling it correctly.
  • As a general rule, when using volatile reagents, users must:
    1. Wear appropriate protective gear (gloves, protective clothing, goggles, etc.).
    2. Turn on the fume hood before opening reagent bottles inside the fume hood.

Bringing Chemicals and Reagents into NanoTerasu

Basic Rules

  • If bringing toxic or hazardous substances (e.g., poisons, deleterious substances, organic solvents), users must consult with the Beamline Staff in advance.


  • “Poisons” refer to substances regulated under Article 2 of the Poisonous and Deleterious Substances Control Act and listed in Appendix 1, excluding pharmaceuticals and quasi-drugs.
  • “Deleterious substances” refer to substances regulated under Article 2 of the Poisonous and Deleterious Substances Control Act and listed in Appendix 2, excluding pharmaceuticals and quasi-drugs.
  • “Organic solvents” refer to those listed in Appendix 6-2 of the Industrial Safety and Health Act Enforcement Order.
  • “Organic solvent-containing substances” refer to mixtures containing more than 5% organic solvents by weight.

User Responsibilities

  • The Principal Investigator (PI) is responsible for managing all chemicals and reagents brought into NanoTerasu.
  • All chemicals and reagents must be removed from NanoTerasu after the experiment is completed.
  • Users must prepare their own:
    • Protective clothing and safety gear
    • Containers for transporting used chemicals and waste liquids

Pre-Approval Process for Bringing Chemicals

  • Before bringing chemicals or reagents into NanoTerasu, users must:
    • Check the national GHS classification for hazards and toxicity.
    • This applies not only to experimental samples but also to related substances, such as fixatives (e.g., indium foil).
  • Even if NanoTerasu already has a certain chemical, users must follow the same procedures for any chemical they plan to use.
  • For substances subject to mandatory risk assessment by law, users must:
    • Conduct a risk assessment.
    • Submit the results to NanoTerasu in advance.

Submission Methods:

  • Public Beamlines: (Submission process under preparation)
  • Coalition Beamlines: Refer to the Coalition Members’ Exclusive Page
  • For other chemicals that are not legally required to undergo risk assessment, users are encouraged to perform a voluntary risk assessment whenever possible.
  • Based on the risk assessment, take appropriate measures to minimize exposure to hazardous substances.
    • (For chemicals regulated under special laws, such as the Special Regulations on the Prevention of Chemical Substance-Related Health Hazards and the Organic Solvent Poisoning Prevention Regulations, follow the legally mandated measures.)
  • For all hazardous substances, implement measures to minimize exposure to workers.
  • For further details on risk assessments, refer to the section below.


  • If there are any safety concerns regarding submitted applications, NanoTerasu may contact users for additional information.
  • Users are required to cooperate in providing necessary details.

Storage of Chemicals and Reagents

  • All chemicals and reagents brought into NanoTerasu must be stored in a locked chemical storage cabinet as instructed by the Beamline Staff.
  • The chemical storage cabinet key will be provided to users for the duration of their experiment.
    • After the experiment, users must return the key by inserting it into the cabinet lock.
  • The Principal Investigator is responsible for the storage and handling of chemicals.

Reference Materials

  • For information on chemical hazards and toxicity, refer to the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare’s Workplace Safety Website.
  • For proper chemical storage, follow GHS labeling and SDS guidelines.
    • The specific hazard details in GHS pictograms are defined in JIS Z7252 and JIS Z7253 standards.
    • For label verification, refer to the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare’s Label Pictogram Verification Card.

Chemical Sample Preparation Room

  • Currently, Chemical Sample Preparation Room 2 (Outer Room N7) is available for user access.
  • The fume hood is reservation-based.
    • Users must apply at least four days in advance by emailing the Beamline Staff.
    • If multiple users request the same time slot, adjustments will be made.
  • Before using any equipment in the preparation room, users must receive instructions from the Beamline Staff.
    • Instructions are provided on weekdays from 9:00 to 17:00.
  • After use, users must clean up and have their workspace checked by the Beamline Staff.
    • Cleanup checks are conducted on weekdays from 9:00 to 17:00.
  • For long-duration use, users must label their workspace with the beamline used, their name, and the usage period.
    • The usage period should be limited to the minimum necessary for conducting experiments.

Waste Liquid Management

  • Users must take all experimental waste liquids and cleaning liquids back with them.
    • Users must provide their own containers for storing waste liquids.
  • Only fourth-stage cleaning liquids may be disposed of in sinks or fume hood drains.
    • Experimental waste liquids and first- to third-stage cleaning liquids must not be disposed of in the drains.
  • In case of accidental disposal or emergencies, users must immediately notify the Central Facility Monitoring Room and the Beamline Staff.

Risk Assessment

  • Risk assessments must be conducted for each research proposal.
  • Each Principal Investigator is responsible for conducting the risk assessment at their affiliated institution.
  • If an affiliated institution does not conduct risk assessments, users may use reliable tools such as CREATE-SIMPLE (recommended by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare).
    • For details, consult with the Beamline Staff or the Users’ Office.

High-Pressure Gases and Liquefied Gases

High-Pressure Gases

Application for Bringing High-Pressure Gases into NanoTerasu

If you plan to bring high-pressure gas into NanoTerasu, you must submit an application in advance. The following information is required:

  • Research Proposal Number (for public beamline users only)
  • Applicant (must be the Principal Investigator): Affiliation, Name, Contact Information
  • Contact Person (if different from the applicant): Affiliation, Name, Contact Information
  • Location for Use: Beamline number or designated storage area
  • Period of Use: Date of bringing in and removing the gas
  • Gas Cylinder Details:
    • Gas Type
    • Cylinder Volume
    • Maximum Filling Pressure
    • Filling Amount
    • Number of Cylinders

Application Submission Process

Precautions for Bringing in High-Pressure Gases

  • Only Type 1 gases are permitted in NanoTerasu.
  • Type 2 gases are generally prohibited.
    • If your experiment requires Type 2 gases, consult with the Beamline Staff or the Users’ Office in advance.
  • Users must prepare their own regulators, tubes, and piping for use with their high-pressure gas cylinders.
  • Users must submit a High-Pressure Gas Application Form at the time of beamline application.
  • After the experiment is complete, all gas cylinders must be promptly removed from NanoTerasu or returned to the supplier.
  • The Principal Investigator is responsible for managing all high-pressure gas cylinders brought in.

Rules for Using High-Pressure Gas Cylinders

  • Users are not allowed to replace gas cylinders or attach/detach regulators on their own.
    • Consult with the Beamline Staff for assistance.
  • Use specialized tools for primary valve operations.
    • Tools are available at gas cylinder stands, but users may bring their own.
  • The Principal Investigator must attach an open/closed status tag to gas cylinder valves to indicate their state.
    • The PI is responsible for providing these tags.
  • The PI must attach an empty/full sticker to cylinders.
    • Empty cylinders must be labeled “Empty” and stored separately from full cylinders.
  • The PI must label gas cylinders with:
    • Beamline number or gas cylinder stand number
    • PI’s name
    • Date of entry
    • Date of removal
  • Always close the primary valve after use.
  • Consult with the Beamline Staff before moving gas cylinders.
  • Gas cylinders must be securely fixed to a cylinder stand when used continuously or left unattended.
    • Do not leave cylinders mounted on transport carts.
  • Always attach safety caps to gas cylinders when not in use or during transport.

Liquefied Gases (Liquid Nitrogen and Liquid Helium)

Rules for Using Liquefied Gases

  • For liquid nitrogen, notify the Beamline Staff in advance.
  • For liquid helium, notify the Beamline Staff at least two weeks in advance.
    • NanoTerasu sources liquid helium through the Tohoku University Cryogenics Center.
  • No application form is required, but usage amounts must be recorded and reported.

Reporting Methods

  • Public Beamline Users: (Under preparation)
  • Coalition Users: Refer to the Coalition Members’ Exclusive Page or check with the Beamline Staff.

Rules for Cryogen Containers

General Rules

  • When not in use, liquid gas containers must be secured with chains or wires in designated storage areas.
  • Always wear protective gear (e.g., cryogenic gloves).
  • Consult with the Beamline Staff before moving containers.
  • Follow all warning labels and instructions on containers.
  • If unfamiliar with handling liquid gas containers, consult with the Beamline Staff before use.

Rules for Using Liquid Nitrogen Containers (Self-Pressurizing Containers – “Selphers”)

  • NanoTerasu provides Selphers for rental.
    • Consult with the Beamline Staff for availability.
  • Users are not allowed to fill Selphers from the NanoTerasu liquid nitrogen extraction system.
  • Users may transfer liquid nitrogen from a Selpher to an open container such as a Dewar.

Rules for Using Liquid Helium Containers (Vessels)

  • NanoTerasu sources liquid helium from the Tohoku University Cryogenics Center.
    • NanoTerasu provides designated helium vessels from the Cryogenics Center, and users must use these vessels.
  • During use and storage, helium vessels must be connected to the facility’s helium recovery system.
  • If using liquid helium with external equipment, users must install piping to connect to the facility’s helium recovery system at their own expense.
  • Users must take precautions to maintain helium gas purity.

Storage Locations for Cryogen Containers

  • Helium vessels from the Tohoku University Cryogenics Center will be received and handled in the Cryogenic Preparation Room.
  • Storage locations for other containers (e.g., liquid nitrogen) are under review near BL03–05.
    • Check with the Beamline Staff for the latest information.

Electrical Work

Prevention of Electric Leakage, Ground Faults, and Short Circuits

  1. When bringing in experimental equipment, ensure that all electrical devices are free of leakage, short circuits, or other abnormalities before use.
  2. If a leakage detector alarm is triggered, immediately identify the cause, eliminate the issue, and reconnect the device only after confirming it is safe. Additionally, always report the incident to the Central Facility Monitoring Room.
  3. Before working on electrical wiring, always confirm that the upstream circuit breaker is turned off.
  4. If you feel even a slight electric shock, investigate the cause and eliminate the source of the leakage.
  5. To prevent ground faults during baking, check the ribbon heater and wiring using an insulation resistance tester before operation. After powering on, also check with a clamp meter.

Handling of Electrical Machinery and Equipment

  1. Connect devices to a power source with a leakage breaker and ensure the capacity is appropriate for use.
  2. Confirm grounding before use (except for double-insulated devices).
  3. Do not use electrical equipment in areas where moisture or flammable materials are present (except for outdoor-rated equipment and properly protected devices).

Handling of Cord Reels

  1. Check the rated current and ensure that it does not exceed the specified limit.
  2. If the cord reel does not have a built-in leakage breaker, connect it to a power source that has one.
  3. To prevent fire hazards due to overheating, always fully extend the cord reel before use.
  4. Do not exceed the number of outlets on the cord reel when connecting devices.
  5. Do not use cord reels in wet or flammable environments (except for outdoor-rated cord reels or those with proper protective measures).
  6. Use cord reels according to their indoor or outdoor specifications. When using outdoors or in wet areas, always use a cord reel equipped with a leakage breaker.

Other Important Precautions

  1. When connecting or disconnecting wires inside a distribution panel, consult with the Beamline Staff first.
    • Only individuals who have completed special low-voltage electrical training are allowed to perform this work.
  2. Do not touch electrical equipment or wiring with wet hands.
  3. When operating a switch on a distribution panel, use only one hand, ensuring the other hand does not touch any object (especially metal).
  4. Do not lay portable power cables, such as cabtyre cables, across walkways.
    • If unavoidable, take appropriate safety measures to prevent damage from carts or trip hazards.
  5. After completing work, always turn off the power switch and unplug electrical equipment from outlets.

Laser (Up to Class 2M)

  • The handling and management of laser equipment must comply with NanoTerasu regulations, as well as:
    • The Occupational Safety and Health Act (Act No. 57 of 1972)
    • The Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare directive:
      “Preventive Measures for Laser Beam Hazards” (Labour Standards Bureau Circular No. 39, January 27, 1986)
  • Depending on the laser class and usage, measures may be required to prevent eye injuries and establish a controlled laser area.
    • Consult with the Beamline Staff in advance regarding these precautions.
  • General precautions:
    • Further considerations should be made depending on the laser class.

General Safety Measures

  1. Position the laser beam path to avoid the operator’s eye level.
  2. Ensure that the beam’s endpoint is secured to prevent unintended exposure to the eyes of workers or others in the vicinity.
  3. When adjusting optical systems using the laser beam, use the lowest necessary power level.
  4. Post warning signs in visible locations on the laser device to indicate:
    • Laser hazards
    • Potential risks
    • Handling precautions
  5. Wear laser safety goggles when necessary.
    • Users must provide their own laser safety goggles when bringing laser equipment into NanoTerasu.

Work at Heights

  • If working at heights using ladders or step stools is necessary, consult with the Beamline Staff in advance.

Handling Heavy Objects

  • When moving heavy objects, always wear a helmet and safety shoes.
  • If using a crane, consult with the Beamline Staff.
    • If users plan to operate the crane or perform rigging (slinging) work, their qualifications will be verified.
    • Follow QST or PhoSIC safety regulations and ensure proper safety measures during operations.

Waste Disposal

Principle of Carrying Waste Back

  • As a general rule, users must take back all items they bring into NanoTerasu for experiments.
  • Leaving items at NanoTerasu without permission or disposing of them improperly may result in penalties.

Household Waste

  • Waste generated from daily activities during your stay at NanoTerasu must be sorted and disposed of in the designated collection boxes.
  • Do not dispose of experimental waste in household waste bins.

Locations of Waste Sorting Collection Boxes

  • Linac Building 2F: Kitchenette
  • Linac Building 1F: Kitchenette
  • Storage Ring Building 1F: Sub-Entrance 1
  • Storage Ring Building 1F: Sub-Entrance 2
  • Storage Ring Building 1F: Near the inner-area restrooms

Types of Waste Collection Boxes and Disposal Guidelines

Collection Box LabelMain Target Items & Important Notes
PET Bottles / Empty Cans (Boxes next to vending machines)Exclusively for items purchased from Ito En vending machines. – Remove the cap and place it in the same box. – Labels may remain attached.
Cans, Bottles, PET BottlesFor cans, bottles, and PET bottles not purchased from Ito En vending machines. – Remove the cap and place it in the same box. – Labels may remain attached.
Burnable Waste / Other WasteFor all waste excluding cans, bottles, and PET bottles. Examples: – Food waste (leftovers, tea leaves, etc.) – Rubber – PVC (polyvinyl chloride) – Wood chips, disposable chopsticks – Paper (excluding large amounts of copy paper, notebooks, or books) – Fabric – Plastics

Experimental Waste Liquids

Experimental Waste

  • For disposal of used beamline components and materials, follow the instructions of the Beamline Staff.

Request for Information Sharing to Prevent Accidents

Risk Assessment

  • According to regulations, a risk assessment must be conducted before bringing chemical substances into NanoTerasu.
  • Additionally, depending on the nature of the experiment, we may request a risk assessment to evaluate safety.
    • We appreciate your cooperation in this matter.

Near-Miss Incidents

At NanoTerasu, users from various universities, research institutions, and companies conduct experiments in a wide range of fields. Since NanoTerasu is a shared-use facility, many users are working in an environment different from their usual laboratories. We are committed to continuously improving the environment to prevent injuries and accidents and to ensure user safety. By collecting and sharing near-miss incidents, we aim to:

  • Raise awareness of potential hazards.
  • Prevent accidents and injuries before they occur.

How to Report Near-Miss Incidents

  • A Near-Miss Incident Collection Box is available in front of the Users’ Office in the Entrance Hall.
  • Users are encouraged to submit any near-miss incidents they have experienced or witnessed.
  • Reports can also be submitted via email.


  • Any information that could identify the reporter will be removed before publicizing reports.
  • Personal information will not be used for any purpose other than this near-miss reporting initiative.
  • The Near-Miss Incident Report Form can be downloaded from the following link:
  • To submit via email:
    • Send reports to:
      NanoTerasu Secretariat, Safety and Facility Group
    • Use the subject line: “Near-Miss Incident Report.”

Network and Data Handling

Network Usage


This guide assumes that users are connecting their personal computers (PCs) to the information network at NanoTerasu during their visit.

  • If users need to connect their PC to control beamline optical systems or other equipment, a separate guideline will be provided.
  • For any questions not covered in this document, please contact the Beamline Staff.

Available Networks at NanoTerasu

Network NameConnection TypeAccess Requirements
eduroamWiFiOnly available to users who have completed registration with their affiliated institution
Download-Only User NetworkWiredFor data downloading under Beamline Staff supervision
Guest Network (NanoTerasu User Network)WiFiAvailable for NanoTerasu users

Connection Procedures

  • eduroam:
    • Can be used immediately upon arrival.
  • For all other networks:
    • Users must submit a pre-application through the NanoTerasu Network Application System at least one business day in advance.
    • Alternatively, users can complete the application process at the Users’ Office upon arrival.
  • Connecting to the Download-Only User Network:
    • Must be done under the supervision of the Beamline Staff.

Validity Period

  • Network registration is valid for the duration of the user’s contract period.
  • Users must renew their registration before their first visit of each fiscal year.

User Responsibilities and Liability

  • Beamline owners are not responsible for network connection issues.
  • If a security incident occurs due to a user’s PC, the user may be required to take action in accordance with the NanoTerasu Common Terms of Use.
  • For security purposes, network connection logs will be recorded and retained for a certain period.

On-Site Measurement Data


This document outlines the handling of on-site measurement data for users conducting experiments at NanoTerasu.

Handling of Measurement Data

  • Ownership of Measurement Data
    • Among the data obtained during experiments, measurement data files containing information derived from sample characteristics will belong to the user once recorded on the internal storage of the measurement PC or an external storage device connected to it.
  • User Responsibility During Beam Time
    • All operations related to measurement data files during beam time (including copying, moving, deleting, renaming, and editing) are the user’s responsibility.
  • Data Management After Beam Time
    • Users are responsible for managing their data files to prevent information leakage, including deleting them after beam time if necessary.
  • Ownership of Non-Sample-Dependent Data
    • Data files that do not directly depend on the properties of the sample will belong to the beamline owner.
    • Examples of such data:
      • Beamline equipment status logs
      • Operation history
      • Internet access logs from beamline PCs
  • Data Generated by User Equipment
    • Any data files generated directly by user-provided equipment belong to the respective user.
  • Logging of Equipment Issues
    • Records of accelerator or beamline equipment issues must be documented in the beamline logbook.
    • Do not include proprietary or confidential information in these records.

Taking out Measurement Data

NanoTerasu allows the following methods for taking measurement data home.
Some beamlines or measurement techniques may require specific methods, so contact the Beamline Staff for details.

  1. Uploading Data to a Cloud Storage Service
    If uploading data to an internet-based cloud file-sharing service, users must take responsibility for implementing proper security measures.
  1. Transferring Data via a Dedicated Network Drive or USB Storage
    • Users can copy measurement data from the measurement PC to a designated network drive.
    • Data can then be transferred to a user’s personal computer connected to the Download-Only User Network.
    • Alternatively, users can connect a security-approved USB storage device to a dedicated data copy PC at the beamline.
  1. Using an Internal SATA Storage Device (Only When Approved by Beamline Staff)
    • Only if specifically authorized by the Beamline Staff, users may connect a SATA storage device to the beamline PC or designated network drive.
    • Restrictions on SATA Storage Usage:
      • Only new, unopened storage devices may be used.
      • The device must be unboxed under Beamline Staff supervision.
      • Devices previously connected to any other system are strictly prohibited.
      • Allowed storage types: HDD (Hard Disk Drive) or SSD (Solid-State Drive).

Prohibited Actions

  • Unauthorized Data Access
    • Users are prohibited from accessing, copying, or acquiring any data files or software without the owner’s permission from any devices within NanoTerasu, including measurement PCs.
  • Unauthorized Storage Device Connections
    • Users may only connect storage devices to designated data terminals authorized by the Beamline Staff.
  • Use of Unverified Storage Devices
    • Except for new, unopened storage devices verified by Beamline Staff, users must not use any storage device that has not undergone a security check for computer viruses.
    • Users should choose storage devices from reputable manufacturers with high-security standards.

User Responsibilities and Liability

  • Loss of Data Due to Equipment Malfunction
    • NanoTerasu and beamline owners are not responsible for the loss of measurement data due to PC or equipment malfunctions.
  • Security Incidents Caused by User Equipment
    • If a security incident occurs due to user-owned electronic devices or storage media, users must handle the incident in accordance with the NanoTerasu Common Terms of Use.
  • Virus Checks on Beamline PCs
    • NanoTerasu regularly conducts virus scans on beamline PCs and retains scan records for a certain period.
    • The method, frequency, and duration of record storage will be determined separately.
  • Post-Beam Time Data Security
    • If a user-owned data file remains accessible to other users after beam time, the Beamline Staff may delete or move the file to prevent information leaks.
    • Users should manage their data responsibly to avoid such situations.

Other Information for Users

Parcel Delivery

  • Users must personally receive packages they have sent to NanoTerasu from the delivery personnel. Likewise, users must arrange for their own return shipments.
    • Delivery personnel are not registered in the entry system. Users must receive their packages at the entrance.
  • If the user cannot receive the package directly, they may send it to the Users’ Office (Attn: [User’s Name]).
    • The shipping label must include the recipient’s (user’s) mobile phone number for contact purposes.
  • Outbound shipments can also be sent from the Users’ Office, but the user must contact the courier service directly to arrange for pickup.

Important Notes:

  • The Users’ Office assumes no responsibility for parcel deliveries.
  • All shipping costs must be covered by the user.
  • Users and delivery personnel can access the Users’ Office only on weekdays from 9:00 to 17:30.
    • Package collection from the Users’ Office is not possible on weekends, holidays, or outside working hours.
  • The following items must NOT be sent to the Users’ Office:
    • Expensive items
    • Confidential documents
    • Large or heavy packages
    • High-pressure gas cylinders, chemicals, or experimental samples
    • Users must coordinate with the delivery service to receive these items directly.

Access to NanoTerasu

Aobayama Shuttle Bus (NanoTerasu Route)

  • Starting April 1, 2024, a shuttle bus operate between Aobayama and NanoTerasu.

Bus Route:

  • Aobayama Station (South 1) → Faculty of Agriculture → UH Aobayama → Science Park → NanoTerasu

Operating Days:

  • Daily (including weekends and holidays)
    • However, the bus will NOT operate during the following periods:
      • Golden Week (April 27–29, May 3–6)
      • Summer Break (August 10–18)
      • New Year Holidays (December 28–January 5)

Travel Time:

  • Approximately 10 minutes (one way)


  • Free of charge

  • ※ For lost items on the bus, contact:
    Tohoku University, Education & Student Support Department, Student Support Planning Section
    Phone: 022-795-7818
  • ※ For bus schedules and route details, check the following website:
    Aobayama Shuttle Bus Operation Information

Arriving by Car

Users are encouraged to use public transportation and the shuttle bus whenever possible.

If arriving by private car, follow these rules:

  • Use the manned gate at Tohoku University Energy Center to enter the Aobayama New Campus.
    • Use the intercom at the gate to inform the security staff that you are visiting NanoTerasu.
  • Do not park outside designated parking areas at NanoTerasu.

Important Notes:

  • The entrance location may change within the fiscal year. Updates will be posted on this page when finalized.
  • The parking area west of the Linac Building belongs to Tohoku University and is NOT available for NanoTerasu users.

Food and Dining

Designated Eating and Drinking Areas at NanoTerasu

Users are only allowed to eat and drink in the designated areas listed below. Eating or drinking in any other locations without permission is strictly prohibited.

Areas Where Both Eating and Drinking Are Allowed

  • Sub-Entrance Hall 1
  • Sub-Entrance Hall 2 (excluding Rest Rooms 1 and 2)

Areas Where Only Drinks and Snacks Are Allowed

  • Entrance Hall
  • Meeting Rooms 1–4
  • Rest Rooms 1 and 2
  • Installed Beamline Areas (for relevant users only):
    • BL02U, 06U, 07U, 08U, 08W, 09U, 09W, 10U, 13U, 14U

Usage Guidelines

  • Electric kettles and microwaves installed in Sub-Entrance Halls may be used, but users must follow the instructions for safe usage.
  • When eating or drinking, users must maintain cleanliness and proper etiquette to avoid causing inconvenience or discomfort to others.
  • Drinking in the Entrance Hall, Rest Rooms, and Beamline Areas is only allowed using bottles or containers with lids (e.g., PET bottles).
  • Dispose of general waste from food and drinks (cans, bottles, PET bottles, burnable trash) according to the “Household Waste” section or the posted disposal instructions within the facility.
  • Some staff members or specific personnel may have permission to eat in additional areas. Users who are not authorized should refrain from eating in such locations.

Contact Information

InquiryPhone NumberEmail
Central Facility Monitoring Room022-721-5180
Radiation Reception022-785-9991

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